
Three of the slip roads for the roundabouts on the A-6 motorway in Madrid, one of the busiest ring roads in the capital, have been lit with Ignialight’s LED luminaires.

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Lighting the slip roads for the AP6 motorway (Madrid)


The lighting of kilometres 26, 30 and 37 has been balanced with B-LED luminaires, which have a robust, functional design, in order to meet the lighting requirements for the motorway. This is the ideal luminaire for heights of 10–14 m, and provides fully uniform lighting. The possibility of adjusting the lighting, choosing the colour of the light, as well as different photometries and controls, makes it the perfect product to meet the most demanding technical requirements.

The points at kilometres 26 and 30 also included the installation of DN (double level) adjustment, which makes it possible to reduce the level of brightness and the level of electrical consumption at times of reduced traffic flow. With this installation, we managed to reduce the output by 50% at times of less traffic, which led to significant energy savings in electricity expenditure and a significant decrease in CO2 emissions.

The aim of this project was to achieve the correct lighting in communication hubs, as well as significant energy savings. Due to the versatility and customisation by Ignialight to adapt the product to the needs of the customer, we achieved the correct lighting of the motorway and significant energy savings. The initial objectives of the project were met satisfactorily, which led to recognition from both the official dealer, FCC Martinsa, and the owner of the motorway, the Ministry of Public Works, for the good management, correct lighting and installation of luminaires, particularly in comparison with other common brands.